This document describs concisely easy usage of Giraffe+ with default settings.
The input string is represented as String, and the keyboard shortcuts are represented as Key.
To view the list of scripts which are available in the Settings Dialog, refer to settings_en.xml.
To know basic software information which contains the working environment or requirements, refer to the readme.
You will understand the basic functions and operations reading this tutorial orderly.
Run Notepad in Start Menu
Run a Start-menu item enabled by default.
- Select the Notepad.
- Input note to the Edit Box. The registered items whose names include note will be shown in the List Box.
- The first item in the list will be selected automatically. When the Notepad isn't selected, select it with the ↓ key.
- Run the Notepad.
- Hit the Enter key. The Notepad will be shown.
Register Giraffe+ into Startup
Run a resistered item included by default.
- Select Giraffe\RegisterStartup.
- Input reg sta. The registered items whose names include reg and sta will be shown in the List Box.
- Run Giraffe\RegisterStartup.
- Hit the Enter key. Then you will be asked if a shortcut should be created. Answer Yes. (To delete it, run the item again.)
Register Internet Explorer and Use Registerd Item
Input a file path in an efficient way and manage a registered item.
Input C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
- Type C:\ to the Edit Box. The files and folders which exist in the C:\ will be shown in the List Box.
- Type p. Only ones whose names include p will be shown.
- As the input text becomes automatically C:\Program Files, type \. (When that doesn't happen, type remaining rogram Files or select the text from the List Box.)
- Files and folders which exist in the C:\Program Files\ are shown in the List Box as typing C:\.
- Repeat similar operations, and change the input text into C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE.
Register C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE.
- Hit Alt+A as the input text is C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE. The dialog whose elements are filled will be shown.
- Hit Enter without editing the elements. Ineternet Explorer will be registered as IEXPLORE.
Clear the input text.
- Hit Esc and the input text will be cleared.
Input the registered IEXPLORE.
- Type i. IEXPLORE will be shown in the List Box.
Execute the registered IEXPLORE.
- Hit Enter as the input text is IEXPLORE. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE will open up.
- After the operation, the main window of Giraffe+ will be hidden.
Show and hide the main window.
- Hit Win+Space. The main window will be shown again.
- Hit Esc. When the input text is empty, the main window will be hidden.
- Hit Win+Space. When the main window is visible, whether the input text is empty or not, the main window will be hidden.
Access C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE from the registered IEXPLORE.
- Hit \ as the input text is IEXPLORE. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE will be shown in the Edit Box.
Access C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ from the registered IEXPLORE.
- Hit Ctrl+\ as the input text is IEXPLORE. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ will be shown in the Edit Box.
Access C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ from C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE.
- Hit Ctrl+\ as the input text is C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ will be shown in the Edit Box.
Access C:\Program Files from the registered IEXPLORE.
- Hit Ctrl+Shift+\ as the input text is IEXPLORE. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer will be shown in the Edit Box.
- Hit Ctrl+Shift+\ again. C:\Program Files will be shown in the Edit Box.
Rename the registeredIEXPLORE to IE.
- Hit Ctrl+R as the input text is IEXPLORE. The rename dialog will be shown.
- Replace the input text IEXPLORE with IE. And hit Enter.
- Type i and see that IE will be shown in the List Box.
Delete the registered IE.
- Hit Ctrl+Delete as the input text is IE. The registered item shortcut file will be deleted as Delete is hit in Explorer. (Whether the confirmation dialog is shown or not depends on the settings of Windows.)
- Type i and see that IE won't be shown in the List Box.
Make Google-search Hotkey with Settings Dialog
Use the Settings Dialog, the global hotkeys and the Mode of Giraffe+.
Open the Settings Dialog and show the global hotkeys list.
- Hit F5. The Settings Dialog will be shown.
- Hit Right. The Settings tree will open up.
- Hit Down twice. The hotkey will be selected and the hokey list will be shown in the right pane.
Enable Google Mode.
- Selects the line "w-g google-mode Google Mode" and hit Space. The item will be checked.
- Hit Enter. The settings will be automatically reloaded.
Use Google Mode
- Hit Win+G. Whether the main window of Giraffe+ is visible or not, the window wil be shown with the icon of Google.
- Input some words.
- Hit Enter. The search result of Google will be shown within the default browser.
Make a registed item script which searches Google.
Put a script in the Data folder.
- Mkae a script which searches Google for a parameter.
- Run Google.giraffe.
- Input Google;test and hit Enter, then the default browser will open up and show the Google search result.
Show Readme of Giraffe+ in List Box
Show a text file within Giraffe+
Access the folder where Giraffe.exe is.
- Hit F9. The input text becomes the directory where Giraffe.exe is\.
Show the readme.
- Hit Alt+V as the input text is The directory where Giraffe.exe exists\readme_en.txt. The contents of the readme file will be shown in the List Box.
Scroll the List Box without selecting a List Box item.
- Hit Ctrl+PageUp to scroll up, hit Ctrl+PageDown to scroll down.
Show properties of all files in the Giraffe+ folder except the Script folder.
Operate with multiple items with marking list items.
- Mark all the files in the Giraffe+ folder except the Script folder.
- Hit F9. The contents of the Giraffe+ folder will be shown.
- Select the Script folder, hit Alt+Mto mark the item and hit Alt+Shift+M to invert all the marks.
- Show properties of the multiple files.
- Hit Alt+Enter selecting multiple items to show the properties. The result will be the same as hitting Alt+Enter in the Explorer. (Many operations support the list item mark. For example, you can copy the marked files paths hitting Ctrl+P, or get the result like dropping multple files hitting Alt+A.)
Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal, Decimal to Binary and Binary to Hexadecimal Back
Use the functionality of the base number conversion in the main menu.
Input a hexadecimal number
- Input 0xff to the Edit Box.
Convert hexadecimal to decimal with the main menu
- Hit Apps. The main menu will be shown.
- Hit N and D to select Base Number Conversion and then Dec. The 0xff in the Edit Box will be changed into 255.
Convert decimal to binary and convert binary to hexadecimal back.
- Select Bin in Base Number Conversion of the main menu. The 255 will be changed into 11111111.
- Hit Home, 0 and B to add 0b to the head of text. The input text will become 0b11111111.
- Select Hex in Base Number Conversion of the main menu. The 0b11111111 will be changed into ff.
Create File and Folder, and Copy and Delete Them
Manipulate files and folders.
Create a folder in the desktop.
- Input :: (two colons).
- Hit Ctrl+Shift+N. The folder creation dialog will be shown.
- Input giraffe_test and hit Enter to send OK to the dialog.
Create a file in the created folder.
- Hit Ctrl+N as the input text is ::\giraffe_test.
- Input file to the shown dialog and hit Enter.
Copy the file.
- Hit Ctrl+Shift+C as the input text is ::\giraffe_test\file. The file will be copied into the clipboard.
- Hit Ctrl+Shift+\ to change the input text to ::\giraffe_test and hit Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the file. The file will be copied into ::\giraffe_test.
Delete the folder.
- Hit Ctrl+Delete as the input text is ::\giraffe_test. The giraffe_test folder will be sent to the recycle bin.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Those are the basic keyboard shortcuts. You can find all the keys in the settings_en.xml.
- Enter - Execute
- Shift+Enter - Open a folder
- Alt+Enter - Show properties
- Ctrl+Enter - Show the shell context menu (the file menu of the Windows Explorer)
- Alt+A - Register an item
- Shift+Tab - Toggle a function which hides the Giraffe+ after execution
- App - Shows the main menu
- F1 - Invoke the input text as a script
- F2 - Reload settings
- F3 - Save settings
- F4 - Open or close the List Box
- F5 - Open the settings dialog
- \ - Change a registered item text into a file path
- Ctrl+\ - Change a registered item text into a folder path where the file exists
- Ctrl+Shift+\ - Change the input path into a folder of the path
- Alt+M - Toggle a mark of the selected List Box item
- Alt+Shift+M - Toggle marks of all List Box items
- Ctrl+P - Copy a file path
- Ctrl+Shift+P - Show the menu which copies a file path
- Ctrl+N - Create a file
- Ctrl+Shift+N - Create a folder
- Ctrl+Shift+C - Copy a file
- Ctrl+Shift+X - Cut a file
- Ctrl+Shift+V - Paste a file
- Ctrl+Delete - Send a file to the recycle bin
- Ctrl+Shift+Delete - Delete a file without sending to the recycle bin
Drag and Drop
You can use the both Drang-and-Drop from and to Giraffe+.
Register a file with dropping to Giraffe+.
- Dropping a file to the main window of Giraffe+, the registered item creation dialog will be shown.
Input a text with dropping to Giraffe+.
- Dropping a file pressing Ctrl, the file path will be shown in the Edit Box.
Drag from Giraffe+.
- Drag the Edit Box as the input text is a file path. (When the main window moves, you are grabbing the frame of the window.)
- When there are marks in the List Box, the marked files will be dragged.
Settings Dialog
About the dialog shown by F5.
Edit a value.
- The pages Settings::key, Settings::hotkey and Config are editable. To edit a value, select an item and type F2.
Representation of keyboard shortcuts
- The delimiter of a modifier key and a key is the '-' (minus) instead of the '+' (plus).
- Modifer keys are represented as an initial. For example: Ctrl+V = c-v
- Multiple modifer keys are concatenated. For example: Ctrl+Shift+V = cs-v
- Many keys other than alphabet and number keys are given multiple key names. Key names are based on general names, printed names of the Japanese 109 keyboard, VK_ definition of WinUser.h etc. Also, key codes can be specified directly.
- Japanese keyboard names can be an issue. For example, the backslash on the US standard keyboard can be specified as one of 0xdc, \1, yen or oem_5. (Note "backslash" isn't included.) Instead, the angle bracket key or the backslash key on RT 102-key keyboard can be specified as 0xe2, \2, \, backslash or oem_102.
- There is a list of the key names in doc/keymaps.txt.
Specifications etc.
Information in old documents worth noting is left here.
In Windows, the file execution consists of five elements.
- File, which is executed
- Parameter
- Working Directory
- Verb
- Window State
In Giraffe+, the string separated by ';' (semicolon) is used to specify those elements. Specify the elements in the above order as file;parameter;working directory;verb;show window.
When the file is the registered item, the parameter is added to the parameter of the registered item with a space. Except parameters, elements are simply overwritten if specified.
The verb is menu items shown by right clicking a file in the Windows Explroer.
There are standard ones, which are provided by Windows, and associations, which are registered in the registory.
The copy, paste, properties etc. are of the Windows standard.
The open, edit, print etc. are the associations by the Windows default.
The verb names are key names listed in "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\[file extention]\shell".
The window state is specified as number: 1 is normal, 3 is maximized and 7 is minimized.
Registering an item, an registered shortcut can be a SES file, which is a shortcut file represented as an INI file, if you change Type to ".ses".
When you want to specify the verb in a shortcut file or feel that it is slow to read LNK files, using SES files is worth trying.
Adding the string CreateShortcut.Type="ses" to [Shell] section in Giraffe.ini, the default value of Type in the dialog shown by Alt+A is ".ses".
Shell Namespace
The Shell Namespace is the virtual space of Windows whose root is the desktop you see in the Explorer or file dialogs.
There are some folders which don't exist in the file system such as My Computer and Control Panel.
In Giraffe+, strings which start with "::\" are called as Display ITEMIDLISTs, and strings start with "::-" are called as Numeric ITEMIDLISTs.
Addresses of Shell Namespace items are represented by them.
Display ITEMIDLISTs don't work completely when a file or folder name contains '\', which is used as the separator, or the same name items exist in the same foler.
Numeric ITEMIDLISTs work completely because they represents ITEMIDLISTs themselves, which are arrays of bytes, as numbers separated by '-'.
For example, say you want to access Control Panel.
Inputting '::\', items in the desktop are autocompleted, so you can access Control Panel as with the Windows Explorer.
You can also access Control Panel with only typing some characters of "Control Panel" and '\' if you register the Control Panel with Alt+A.
Settings and Settings Dialog
What the dialog lists (Representation of the path is the regular expression.):
- Settings = (Script2|Script)/settings/(key|hotkey|setup)/.*\.giraffe$
- Config = contents of doc/reference/config-list.csv
- Color = contents of Color.ini
Where the settings are dealt with:
- Settings = Script/settings.giraffe
- Config = LoadConfig and SaveConfig in Script/Default.giraffe
- Color = ChangeColor in Script/Default.giraffe
Files the settings are saved in:
- Settings = Settings.ini
- Config = Giraffe.ini
- Color = Color.ini
Order of script invocation:
- Those are invoked in incasesensitive alphabetical order.
- You can redefine events or functions partially taking the order into account.
Edit scripts with the menu:
- Because scripts are overwridden, how the menu works can seem odd.
- Deleting a script in the Script2 folder, a script in the Script folder gets visible.
- It is possible to create a script whose name exsits already in the Script folder
- The values in the dialog changed by the both examples are only Path values.
- A new script is always created in Script2.
- Edit This Script executes Notepad.exe, or the file path in the variable $settings:editor.
Edit values:
- In Config and Settings/(key|hotkey), you can edit a value with F2 key or clicking the selected item.
In key and hotkey, it is disabled to input a key listed below.
- Keys already defined.
- Strings unable to recognize as a key.
Examples (The key string as mod-key.):
- The mod has a string except c, s, a, w, *, ? and !.
- The key has a string which can't be converted into an internal keycode.
- Strings which can be converted into a keycode are defined internally and it is impossible to be defined by users.
- Specify a keycode directly when you want to use a key you don't know a name. Keycode.exe can be helpful to know a keycode.
- Values of Config are not verified by the dialog.
- You can use Preset buttons in Config to configure easily, though roughly. This doesn't affect except Config.